Akira litter (A-litter)

We never expected a litter of 6 for our first one. What a gift, such a large litter. Yes 6 is a lot, I have never seen a Shikoku litter that big (max I have seen was a litter of 5). We named this litter the “Akira-litter” in honor of our breeder in Japan Mr. Akira Yano Izumoshi. Shousei and Sumi both came from this breeder.

Sumi Shousei
Dam: Unshoume Go Izumo Yanosou (above left)
Sire: Shousei Homare Go Izumo Yanosou (above right)

Full names of the pups:

  • Takahiro Akira Go Kasatori Sou
  • Senshi Akira Go Kasatori Sou
  • Sumiko Akira Go Kasatori Sou
  • Kaito Akira Go Kasatori Sou
  • Daigo Akira Go Kasatori Sou
  • Yuuna Akira Go Kasatori Sou
One day before birth (at 59 days of pregnancy)

One day before birth (at 59 days of pregnancy)

Birth details:

Name Band color Gender Date of birth Time Head/feet first Birth weight
Takahiro Blue 15/7/2013 22:33 feet 364 g
Senshi Gray 15/7/2013 23:14 feet 348 g
Sumiko Pink 15/7/2013 23:39 head 322 g
Kaito Orange 16/7/2013 00:22 head 380 g
Daigo Green 16/7/2013 01:52 head 388 g
Yuuna Yellow 16/7/2013 02:35 head 346 g

Photo album:

Takahiro, first born puppy

Takahiro, the first born Kasatori puppy

Kaito being born

Kaito being born

papa Shousei

Daddy Shousei, watching the pups being born and supporting Sumi.

day 1

Shikoku puppies on day one, drinking 

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